Links to other useful and interesting sites
Agroforestry Research Trust
Researches into temperate agroforestry and into all aspects of plant cropping and uses, with a focus on tree, shrub and perennial crops. Very useful Forest Garden information and has unusual plants for sale.
Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers
Our local beekeeping group who run excellent courses each year.
Low Impact Living Initiative (LILI)
LILI's mission is to help people reduce their impact on the environment, improve their quality of life, gain new skills, live in a healthier and more satisfying way, have fun and save money. They have a huge list of interesting courses.
North Yorkshire Smallholders
A group set up to help smallholders in North Yorkshire aiming to bring together people of similar interests, to share information and advice, help each other to save money by reducing costs and to make friends.
Permaculture Association Britain (PAB)
Permaculture is about creating sustainable human habitats by following nature's patterns. An ecological design system that inspires and empowers us to create our own solutions to local and global problems, it provides ways to design and create healthy productive places to work, rest and play.
The Northern Fruit Group
A very active group of volunteers who know lots about grouwing every type of fruit. The produce a quarterly newsletter, hold workshops throughout the year and have work sites that you can volunteer at and learn at the same time.
Other people and businesses at Old Sleningford Farm